Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Top 20 Martial Art Movies

Martial Arts Movie #20 – One-Armed Swordsman (1967)

One-Armed Swordsman (1967)
One-Armed Swordsman (1967)
At a time when musicals and romances overshadowed action films and women ruled the Hong Kong silver screen, legendary director Chang Cheh burst onto the scene with One-Armed Swordsman. This riveting revenge thriller, filled with themes of heroic bloodshed and violence, reversed the Cantonese and Mandarin starlet-entrenched cinematic trends. It was also a pivotal transition between wu xia movies and kung fu films, and it introduced the world to the stoically charismatic Jimmy Wong Yu.

Martial Arts Movie #19 – Ong-Bak (2003)

Ong-Bak (2003)
Ong-Bak (2003)
This Thai Film Festival award winner starring Tony Jaa (Robin Shou’s stunt double in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation) is not only the first martial arts flick to feature a highly stylized version of Thai kickboxing, but the bone-crunching stunts and full-contact body attacks are also a noncomedic throwback to Jackie Chan’s films from the mid-1980s. It hurts to watch this movie, but it brings back great memories of why we used to love Hong Kong action.

Martial Arts Movie #18 – Legend of the Fox (1979)

Legend of the Fox (1979)
Legend of the Fox (1979)
After acclaimed director Chang Cheh made The Five Venoms (1978), he made 18 other films with the same actors, in which each took turns being the villain, the hero and the fight choreographer. Any of those 18 movies could occupy this spot, but Legend of the Fox gets the nod for its far-out, ultra-intricate pugilistic scenes and weapon sequences, as well as its strict adherence to the true brotherhood that’s supposed to exist among martial artists — even those who are adversaries. Chang is one of the very few martial arts directors who consistently captured this spirit.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Karate Stances with Pictures

• Heisoku dachi - Formal Attention Stance (Yoi) 

• Zenkutsu dachi  - Front Stance 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to become a Great Martial Artist by Wim Demeere

  1. Train every day, if only for a couple of minutes. For some reason, most martial artists have this notion that you need to train non-stop for at least an hour for it to be effective training. They then use that as an excuse not to train because they don’t have the time to get in those 60 or 90 minutes of training on a given day. I think that’s nonsense. Even five or ten minutes per day is better than nothing at all. If you keep it up for twenty years, it all adds up and helps you become a martial arts expert in the long run. Of course, it’d be better if you could train longer every day but that’s not in the cards for everybody. Just do your best to get some training in every day, no matter what and no matter how long.
  2. Slow down.Another myth is that you need to go full speed, full power to learn anything. That’s even more nonsense. Try to relax and slow everything down if you want to make progress. Why? Because that’s how you learn and perfect movements. When you learn something new, you do it slowly until you have basic competence. Only then do you speed things up a bit. When you make mistakes, you slow down to correct them and then speed up again. And so on until you can go at full speed and power without major mistakes. Fast forward a few years. You now do those same techniques but a lot better than at first. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to slow down your training anymore. The truth is, you still make mistakes but they’ve just become a lot smaller. So they’re easy to miss until somebody points them out to you or you make a video of yourself and review it in slow motion. When you slow down your training again, you can correct these errors better.

Best Taekwondo Knockouts 2013

Best Taekwondo Knockouts Compilations for 2013

How to sweep effectively in Karate by Shihan Val Mijailovic

Shihan Val Mijailovic 7th dan Gosoku-ryu karate teaches foot sweep techniques (ashi barai). He is former world karate champion

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kata like this will get you Gold in the Festival

Watch this Video

Sandy Scordo winning Gold at the 2013 World Combat Games

Top 3 Stretching Exercises for Martial Arts

Top 3 Flexibility and Stretching Exercises for Martial Arts training. Developing flexibility, balance, strength and body alignment to achieve a fluid technique a greater range of motion

Drills for Developing Excellent Kicks

This is a Martial Arts tutorial teaching advanced leg drills to improve strength and flexibility for better kicks. With these leg drills you can learn to kick like the best in the world.

Karate belt and Pad Drills. (To Help develop your training Program)

Help make your athletes better fighters by using belts and pads to make their techniques faster and stronger.


Two of the Best Female Kata Competitors of All Time

Watch this Video then compare and contrast

A comparison of the 2 best female kata competitors of the last decade. Nguyen Hoang Ngan (Vietnam) was world champion in 2008 and 2010 (rightfully) and Rika Usami (Japan) was world champion in 2012

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wonderful Kickboxing Knockouts

Awesome Kickboxing Knockouts.

Crazy Taekwondo Poomsea

watching this video will give you goose pimples. little girl but her power, speed and flexibility is awesome.

Kickboxing high tempo endurance Drills

Basic Kickboxing Drills that help to build endurance for professional athletes. Watching it you understand that even though it is 4 minutes, its for building stamina, endurance and balance.

The structure of the drills is great, so the techniques can be modified by any instructor to meet the demands of his training program.

How to manage and win a karate bout easy

A beautiful fight, Rafael Aghayev wins by just a single point. but watch how he manages his fight, manages his points and uses the mat.

He uses his experience to contain and wins Rene Smaal to become the European Champion

Is Steven Lopez one of the All Time greatest Taekwondo Fighters (watch the highlights)

Watch his Highlights

The question of whether Steven Lopez is one of the All Time greatest Taekwondo Fighters has lingered on for years. Being an American not even a Korean makes it even more awesome. Watching the above highlights and his record below makes this assumption close to being the truth.
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